I recently gave a keynote lecture at The ATRiuM in Cardiff for one of the day-long conferences of an AHRC knowledge exchange project called Live Music Exchange, led from Edinburgh University. It was a really interesting day featuring some academics, but also key players from the music industry in Wales—including a festival organiser, a band manager, a musician, a couple of arts administrators—discussing how live popular music is presented and organised, threats to scenes, good ideas about how to develop them. I remember tweeting one of the speakers who said that in his view a local council could have say two people employed to encourage and support live music scenes (arts and events officers, for instance) but the same council might have 20 people whose jobs were effectively to shut it down (from planning to health and environment, licensing, etc)! LMX kindly filmed the lecture, which was about festival culture as live music experience, and have now made it available on youtube, including nicely editing into the film a number of the images I used in my presentation during the talk. Here it is.